Stratesave Exchange Server Agent
Stratesave Exchange Server Agent enables Stratesave
to backup Exchange Server 2010, 2007, 2003 and 2000 databases.
The backups are performed through the Exchange server backup programming interface ESE98,
to assure accuracy of backed up data. Alternatively, Exchange Server 2010/2007/2003
can also be backed up through VSS interface,
with OpenFile Agent.
Exchange Server 2010 can only be backed up with VSS, no longer with ESE98
Backups can be full, differential or incremental.
Incremental backups are for very frequent backups, e.g. every 10 minutes,
to be able recover the databases to almost actual state in case
of unexpected disk crash. Incremental backups are stored to fixed disk.
Exchange Server supports incremental or differential backups, not both in same backup plan.
During restore, Stratesave automatically restores the full backup,
and all differential or incremental backups in correct order,
to recover the database to most recent state.
The use of Recovery Storage Group to recover single mailboxes (for example if a user has accidently deleted his mails) is supported.
VSS Exchange Databases can be restored to different Storage group (Exchange 2007) or under different database name (Exchange 2010).
Databases can be restored to file optionally, for manual processing if desired.
Remote Exchange Server backups are supported with Network Agent.
Stratesave Agent for Exchange Server is built within Stratesave and is not a extra software.
It is included with Stratesave Server Plus and
Stratesave Server and Network Backup.