Stratesave Agents and Options
Overview |
Stratesave add-on Agents and Options extend the capability of Stratesave Server and enable users to find out the individual backup solution. Available add-on
agents and options include Network Agent, SQL Server Agent, Exchange Server Agent, Disaster Recovery option, Open File option and Autoloader Agent.
The products Stratesave Server Plus and Stratesave Server & Network provide cost-effective bundle server solutions with Stratesave Add-ons.
Please refer Stratesave Product Comparison for more info.
| Network Agent |
Stratesave Network Agent makes your PC with Stratesave a powerful network backup server of
unlimited number of Windows Servers and Workstations. The Backup Server will access the clients through their file
shares (e.g. C$), and therefore no need to install backup Software on the clients. The networked PCs will be fully backed up and restored,
including registry, Windows specialities and restoration of locked files. Network Agent applies functionality in other Agents for Networked computers.
For example with Stratesave Agent for SQL Server, it allows remote Backup and Restore of SQL Server. |
The Network Agent is built within Stratesave and is not a extra software.
It is included with Stratesave for Server and Network.
Image Backup
Stratesave supports backing up NTFS disk partition images. This is always a full backup. Only the used disk
blocks are backed up. The image can be restored to the same or a different partition,
which must be as least as big as backed up partition. Alternatively,
images can be restored as disk files in VHD-format to be processed with VHDMOUNT or other tools.
Stratesave creates most precise image backups: VSS is used to create partition snapshot.
VSS Writer Applications with files in the partition are automatically selected to participate in image creation.
For System disk image, VSS System State backup image will be created. Image backups can be combined with file backups.
In addition, Stratesave backs up disk headers, including boot record, disk identification and partition information.
During Restore of a partition image or disk header a dialog will be shown, where the target disk and partition numbers
can be selected. There is also a final confirmation dialog before restore.
Stratesave Image Backup Agent is built within Stratesave and is not extra Software.
It is included with all Stratesave versions. |
SQL Server Agent
Complete online SQL Server data protection.
Stratesave Agent for Microsoft® SQL Server enables Stratesave to backup/restore running SQL Server databases.
Backups and restores are performed through native SQL Server APIs (VDI) to assure reliable and consistent SQL Server protection.
SQL Server backups are integrated in backup plan and purely organized. Remote SQL Server backups are supported with Network Agent.
Stratesave SQL Server Agent supports full, differential and purely incremental backups.
Incremental backups are for very frequent backups, e.g. every 10 minutes,
to be able recover the databases to almost actual state in case
of unexpected disk crash. Incremental backups are stored to fixed disk.
During restore, Stratesave automatically restores the full backup, differential and all incremental backups in correct order,
to recover the database to most recent state.
SQL Server and VSS databases can be restored under a new name or to a different server.
Databases can also be restored to file optionally, for manual processing if desired.
Support backup of multiple and named SQL Server database instances.
VSS full backups through SqlServerWriter and MSDEWriter can be combined with standard SQL Server differential and incremental backups.
Stratesave Agent for SQL Server is built within Stratesave and is not a extra software.
It is included with Stratesave Server Plus and Stratesave Server and Network Backup.
Exchange Server Agent
Stratesave Exchange Server Agent enables Stratesave
to backup Exchange Server databases through VSS.
The use of Recovery Storage Group to recover single mailboxes (for example if a user has accidently deleted his mails)
is supported.
VSS Exchange Databases can be restored to different Storage group or
under different database name.
Databases can be restored to file optionally, for manual processing if desired.
Remote Exchange Server backups are supported with Network Agent.
Stratesave Agent for Exchange Server is built within Stratesave and is not a extra software.
It is included with Stratesave Server Plus and Stratesave Server and Network Backup.
Disaster Recovery
If your system crashes, you want your data back right away. That is why you want to have Disaster
Recovery to keep downtime to a minimum, and simplify the recovery process.
Stratesave supports full Restore of your PC for all Windows versions. The difference with Disaster Recovery it is
not necessary to reinstall Windows.
Disaster Recovery is possible based on image backup or file backup.
Stratesave Disaster Recovery Agent allows
to recover PC without reinstalling Windows and Stratesave.
Disaster Recovery needs a prepared Windows PE DVD.
Disaster Recovery is possible based on image backup or file backup.
Eliminate the need to first reload the entire operating system after a system crash.
With Stratesave Network Agent, allows Remote Disaster Recovery over Network,
with Stratesave running on the Backup Server.
Stratesave Disaster Recovery Agent is built within Stratesave and is not extra Software.
It is included with all Stratesave versions.
OpenFile Option
Stratesave Open File Option uses Microsoft Volume Snapshot Service (VSS) built in
Windows. At start of backup, a Snapshot is taken of all disks to be backed up.
The Snapshot is then backed up. This has the advantage, which the state of all backed up files is taken at the same time.
Stratesave also allows selection of VSS-supportive applications (writers), and backs up the System State "VSS-aware",
following the VSS guidelines.
Support of remote OpenFile Backup with Network Agent.
Snapshot is created in cooperation with selectable VSS-aware applications (writers),
e.g. Exchange Server, SQL Server, SharePoint Server, Oracle, for most precise Snapshot Backup.
Stratesave backs up/restores each writer's additional meta-data. Check your application's documentation if
it has a VSS writer and possibly how to enable the Writer (not all applications have their writers enabled by default).
Stratesave supports restoring VSS databases under new name if supported by writer.
Purely incremental backups of VSS databases (if supported by writer) is supported by Stratesave Server Plus
and Stratesave and Network versions.
Stratesave Open File Agent is built within Stratesave and is not extra Software.
It is included with all Stratesave versions (Purely incremental backups of VSS databases supported by Stratesave Server Plus
and Stratesave and Network versions).
Autoloader Agent
Stratesave Autoloader Agent enables Stratesave to backup with tape autoloaders/media changers.
When Stratesave needs a tape during backup or restore, instead of showing a dialog asking to put the tape into drive
manually, it passes the request to the autoloader, which then moves the tape from defined storage slot to the tape drive.
When Stratesave no longer needs the tape, it ranges it back to its slot.
Stratesave supports SCSI tape autoloaders.
The Autoloader Agent is built within Stratesave and is not a extra software.
It is included with all Stratesave versions.