Stratesave 7.0 January 2018 |
Backup of Windows 10, Windows Server 2016
Visible performance gain in many cases through parallellisation, especially for network backup, or backup of multiple disks and computers
Log (List of executed backups), and Macro (Backup plan) are stored in XML format.
AES 256 encryption (AES 128 up to Stratesave 6.0).
Stratesave 6.0f5 November 2015 |
Stratesave 6.0e July 2010 |
Backup of Windows 7, Windows 2008 R2, Exchange Server 2010 and SQL Server 2008 R2
VSS+VHD-compatible Image backup. Backup local and remote Partition images+Disk headers. Restore to disk partion or VHD-image file.
Support Sftp-Backup to Server with installed Certificate
Support STARTTLS and NTLM authentication for sending email
More Commandline parameters for scripted restore.
Restore SQL Server backups to alternate SQL database
Restore VSS databases to alternate location, if supported by writer (supported by SQL writer and Exchange 2007/2010 VSS).
Incremental backups of VSS, if supported by Writer (supported by Exchange VSS).
Local and Remote Computer SID changer builtin.
Tape backups can be spooled to disk, before they are written on tape.
Very large tape buffer sizes on Windows 64.
Stratesave 6.0d March 2009 |
Stratesave 6.0b March 2008 |
Backup 64-bit (x64) computers, local and networked.
Improved scheduler: The backups can now be done in background with low priority, to minimize performance impact for other programs.
The scheduler also keeps on running when backup fails, automatically retrying.
For backups to network disk or sftp online Server, the backup will automatically be done as soon as the computer gets connected.
Stratesave 6.0 November 2007 |
Backup Windows Vista, with Open File Backup (VSS) and Disaster Recovery (ASR).
Backup to Sftp Server (Unix/Linux or Windows with Sftp Server Software).
Precise differential backup, checks every file in catalog of base backup. Also
differential System State Backup based on precise differential backup.
Stratesave 5.1a September 2006 |
Stratesave 5.1 August 2006 |
Builtin engine for backup to CD/DVD. Supported are CD-RW, CD-R, DVD+RW, (DVD-RW), DVD+R, DVD-R.
DVD-RW supported, but not recommended. Better use DVD+RW instead
Backup of SQL Server 2005. VSS full backups through SqlServerWriter or MSDEWriter can now be combined
with standard SQL Server differential and incremental backups.
Free upgrade from Stratesave 5.0
Stratesave 5.0d March 2006 |
Stratesave 5.0c February 2006 |
Stratesave 5.0a, 5.0b January 2006 |
Stratesave 5.0 November 2005 |
New modern style userinterface combines all Stratesave parts in 1 program.
Many improvements, especially with network backup and performance.
Stratesave 4.0e March 2005 |
Stratesave 4.0d January 2005 |
Tolerant mode for tape mount allows mounting of tape outside tape rotation scheme.
Multiple receivers and SMTP authentication for notification emails.
Bug fixes mainly with snapshot generation.
Stratesave 4.0c April 2004 |
Stratesave 4.0a March 2004 |
Backup Tape I/O Buffering with specifiable Buffer Size. Helps keep tape streaming.
Some Fixes and minor improvements, with Snapshot creation and Removable Storage Manager (RSM) tape mount.
Stratesave 4.0 January 2004 |
Open File Backup and Disaster Recovery for Windows XP local backups.
Other improvements
Many improvements, especially for backup of SQL Server, local and Networked.
Stratesave 2.0 Release January 2003 |
Stratesave 2.0 Prerelease 5 12/1/02 |
Backup of Certificate Authority (CA) Database
Other improvements
Performance improvement with regard to directory scan and CRC checksum run,
especially for multi-volume backups. Also includes other improvements,
for most comfortable organized backup every day.
Stratesave 2.0 Prerelease 4 October 2002 |
Support for Windows XP professional
Backup of Windows 2000/XP System State, Active Directory
Permits to fully Backup Windows 2000 domain controller, local or network backup.
Backup of SQL Server
Support for SQL Server 2000, 7.0, 6.5. Full, Differential and Incremental backups,
local or over network.
Backup of Exchange Server
Support for Exchange Server 2000 and 5.5. Full, Differential and Incremental backups,
local or networked.
Email notification
Sends you email, configurable after failed or successfull backups, or when tape or removable disk
must be mounted.
Improved scheduling
Scheduling is now better integrated with backup plan, supports backup time windows, and preview list of scheduled backups.
Stratesave 2.0 Prerelease 3b June 2001 |
Company name change to Stratesave System
The name change is also now represented within Stratesave Software and the Registry path is adjusted accordingly.
Bug fixes
Fixed some minor errors, especially with regard to tape backup.
Stratesave 2.0 Prerelease 3 January 2001 |
Backup encryption
You can optionally encrypt your backups. If someone manages to steal your backup media,
(s)he still cannot retrieve the backed up data. Stratesave uses public/private key encryption,
that the secret private key used for restore is not stored on PC.
Autoloader support
Support for SCSI tape autoloaders.
Windows ME Supports full backup/restore of Windows ME systems.
Supports backups to CD-RW and CD-R.
Run Stratesave as a Service under Windows NT/2000, including network backups with Network Agent.
And More...
Improved stability, backup speed. Also has other useful new features.
Free upgrade
Upgrade is free for registered users of Stratesave 2.0
Stratesave 2.0 Prerelease 2 May 2000 |
Improved network backups:
Network agent can now backup password protected network shares,
and optionally store the password.
It also better detects remote computers' administrative shares (C$),
and supports full backup/restore of remote Windows 98/95 computers.
Stratesave now works with more tape drives.
Still DAT drive is recommended tape drive for Stratesave backups.
Organized archive: Save your finished projects outside the backup rotation scheme.
Stratesave 2.0 Prerelease 1 March 2000 |
Stratesave Standard for local organized backups to PCs local disk, tape or removable disk, in addition to the Stratesave Unix/OpenVMS versions.
Full backups of Windows 2000 systems, including the new specialities, which have been added to NTFS.
Network agent, for full backups of unlimited number of networked Windows 2000/NT PCs through their file shares (e.g. C$), without need to install Software on those PCs. Backups/restores include registry and the other specialities, as for local backups.
True compare, the must have security feature for precise compare of
your current PC data and configuration with the one in backup.
Improvements in user interface, ability to exclude directories, "Find files" dialog and more.
Minimum Backup rotation 1 for backups to fixed disk is available.
Disk space on server is saved up to 50% from rotation=2, the previous
minimum value, as only the latest backup will be kept
with rotation=1.
Stratesave's rotation 1 strategy still keeps the high security.
With rotation=1, the previous backup is erased only after the
successfull new backup. This protects your data in the worst case
scenario, where the PC/disk crashes during backup, the previous
backup will still be available.
What is Backup rotation?
It specifies, how many backups are kept, before 1st backups is overwritten.
E.g. with rotation=5, 6th backup will overwrite 1st backup etc.
The new version fixes a problem, where Stratesave reports a
restore problem in rare cases. Everything is restored fine in the
old version, but it could happen that the restore complains
about an error in backup (size mismatch), which of course is irritating.
This only happened in the Win 3.1/3.11 version of Stratesave.
We are informing you because you have registered that version.
More stable connection to Unix server (No more connection reset by peer)
Improved restoration from incremental backups
Stratesave backup program can be started as a service on Windows NT.
Backup program's help explains how it is done.
Command line parameters now fully work if program is not registered.