Stratesave backs up SQL server at the database level. Within macros, you can select SQL server databases for backup. The master database contains SQL server security and other customized settings. The backed up databases are stored in SQL server dump format, which is not compatible with the raw database files.
During a full backup, entire database is backed up. In a differential backup, changes are backed up, since last full backup. Optionally, differential backups can be configured to fully backup the SQL server. During incremental backup, only the update since last incremental backup or last full or differential backup will be backed up, keeping the backups small. Incremental backups are therefore for short-interval backups.
During restore, Stratesave automatically restores the full backup, differential and all incremental backups in correct order, to recover the database to most recent state.
For incremental backups (Transaction Log backups) to work, Recovery Model must be set to Full or Bulk-Logged Recovery. This option must be set for every database which is backed up with incremental backups.
You can restore the databases back to SQL server, if SQL server is running. Alternatively, you can restore the backed up SQL database(s) to file(s). The resulted files can then be used as input to the SQL server Enterprise Manager's restore. Stratesave allows restore to new SQL database. If a new target database name specified, a dialog will popup during Restore, where the new storage file names can be chosen and confirmed.
SQL Server database with VSS full backup and standard SQL differential/incremental backups must be restored in 2 runs. First restore the VSS database (under MSDE writer or SQL Server writer) with option Don't recover restored SQL databases=On. Then Restore the incremental/differential SQL databases (selectable under SQL Server), with option Don't recover restored SQL databases=Off.
VSS backups with SqlServerWriter can be restored under new database name under the same instance. The new database must not exist already. For renamed restore, a dialog will popup during Restore, where the new storage directory names can be chosen, but the database file names remain unchanged, even if they contain the name of the backed up database. This limitation is given by SQL Server VSS writer.
See also: Full Restore of SQL Server Network Database Backup Incremental Database Backup
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